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BEHEMOTH Frontman, Nergal Finds A Bone Marrow Donor Match! (Updated with statement from Nergal)

BEHEMOTH Frontman, Nergal Finds A Bone Marrow Donor Match! (Updated with statement from Nergal)

Oh happy day! Blabbermouth is reporting that the Polish version of Behemoth's official website has posted that a bone marrow match has been found for their leukemia-stricken frontman. Nergal announced he had the ailment over the Summer, forcing the band to cancel plans for a headlining North American tour. He has been undergoing chemotherapy for the last few months and will soon undergo radiation to destroy his old bone marrow and then replace it with the healthy marrow, which will hopefully put at end to this matter.

This good news comes on the eve of the band's new DVD release, Evangelica Heretika, which comes out tomorrow, November 9th. Watch the final trailer for the DVD here.

UPDATE: We just recieved a press release from Metal Blade featuring an official statement from Nergal on the matter…

"Hello, everyone! I'm still in the hospital but in quite a good shape so I write to let you know about my health and the further stages of treatment. I've been through four planned chemotherapies and have stayed in hospital for over 3 months now. I've gone through the whole therapy smoothly, though I also had a couple of difficult moments. All this means I have finished the stage of pharmacological treatment and I am about to start the irradiation and then the marrow transplant. Yes, we've found a donor! Having searched for months, the foundation has found a person whose genotype is identical to mine. It would have been difficult to achieve if it wasn't for the support of so many people. Most of all, I want to express my admiration for Dorota – my wonderful and devoted fiancĂ©e. She did everything she could to help me and many other people, regardless of adversities and comments which were often unfair. Your help is invaluable! Thank you! I love you. On behalf of me and all other people ill I thank everyone who registered in the bone marrow bank regardless of origin, skin colour or religion. The concerts for charity have been organized all over the world and people of show business, bands and, most of all, the fans got deeply involved. You are beyond great! One of you made my transplant possible, but remember, your attitude may save many others in need. So I appeal to everyone: don't stop the madness! The march for victory continues! Horns up!'

I am beyond relieved that everything is on the way to being fine.

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