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KING DIAMOND To Begin Tracking Vocals For A New Album Soon

He's going to track in a few weeks after they finish up the DVD.

He's going to track in a few weeks after they finish up the DVD.

Last we heard from the King Diamond camp about a new album was from guitarist Andy La Rocque, who said the band wanted to work on the new record for real come 2018. We've heard that before a few times (since 2015), so while it seemed like the album was as far off as Tool's newest album always was, this time they seem dead set on doing it.

King Diamond himself said on an episode of Eddie Trunk's SiriusXM radio show that he and the band are wrapping up their Abigail In Concert DVD, and when they're done it's new album time. He says La Rocque is coming down to his home studio in Texas, where he'll start recording vocals.

"As soon as the DVD is finished — it'll be a matter of two or three weeks — [King Diamond guitarist Andy La Rocque] is showing up here [in Frisco, Texas] to initiate my home studio where I'm gonna do all the vocals for a brand new King Diamond studio album."

Diamond says the album is about 80% done, and discusses how he'll go about writing and recording the vocals.

"There's some very unique things I'm putting into it this time where you will relate to some of the sounds you hear on it, 'cause it's sounds that you will hear on certain days in your private life," he said. "You're outdoors, or whatever, and you might hear certain sounds and you will, guaranteed, think, if you heard the album, 'I wonder if that thing King talked about could have happened when I heard that sound here.'"

Diamond says the music isn't quite done though, so it'll probably be a little while longer to wait. This will be King Diamond's first new album since 2007's Give Me Your Soul… Please. Oh, and if you haven't seen the trailer for King Diamond's upcoming DVD Abigail In Concert, you can check that out right here.

[via Blabbermouth]

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