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Stream PANOPTICON's Epic Blackened Folk Double Album The Scars Of Man On The Once Nameless Wilderness

Make time in your morning for new Panopticon. Do it.

Make time in your morning for new Panopticon. Do it.

Panopticon's new album The Scars Of Man On The Once Nameless Wilderness has essentially been shrouded in mystery ever since it was announced. There were no singles from the album and no promos were sent out to any publications.

You'd hear it when mastermind Austin Lunn wanted you to hear it and not a moment sooner. That moment is now, and you better set a little time today to listen to this whole thing in its glorious entirety.

Here's how Lunn describes the album, and why it's split into two separate parts.

This is the full two disk, 2 hour long album sequenced as one long record, as it was meant to be heard. Please don't listen to the album on your laptop speakers, it will sound like shit. Give it a shot on a long hike or by a fire with headphones. The first half of the album is atmospheric metal, the second half is more americana focused, so beware if you hate country/folk.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to keep listening to this for the rest of the day. Historically, Panopticon has a flawless (straight up perfect) discography that I could listen to in full all day, and I have a feeling this one is going be a continuation of that career-long streak. The Scars Of Man On The Once Nameless Wilderness is out this Friday and you can grab a copy in a few formats from Bindrune Recordings.

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