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GRUESOME Brutally Covers MANTAS' Death Metal Classic "Legion Of Doom"

Mantas, the band that shortly became Death one year after it formed.

Mantas, the band that shortly became Death one year after it formed.

Before there was Death, Chuck Schuldiner and his bandmates were in Mantas. Mantas released a handful of demos in 1984 before changing their name, and one of the tracks that was featured on a few of the demos was "Legion Of Doom." Now Death worship band Gruesome has updated the song to be a little more 2018, and their cover is damn good. The cover will be featured in Decibel's coming issue which you can grab right here.

Gruesome is guitarist and vocalist Matt Harvey (ExhumedExpulsion), guitarist Daniel Gonzalez (Possessed), bassist Robin Marzen (CastratorDerkéta), and drummer Gus Rios (Evil AmidstUpon Infliction). Their new album Twisted Prayers will not feature "Legion Of Doom," but is out June 1.

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