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What Are OLD MAN GLOOM And MUTOID MAN's Stephen Brodsky Collaborating On?

New Old Man Gloom? New Zozobra?

New Old Man Gloom? New Zozobra?

Old Man Gloom drummer Santos Montano recently revealed that a new Old Man Gloom record was in the works for 2018. Montano adds that both he and guitarist and vocalist Aaron Turner were also going to record a sequel to Old Man Gloom's 2000 album Meditations in B and not tell guitarist Nate Newton or bassist Caleb Scofield, because Old Man Gloom will always trick you.

Unfortunately the plans fell apart when Scofield tragically and suddenly passed away. Old Man Gloom has since released merchandise to help Scofield's family and promised they'd carry on. Now it seems they're doing the latter, if the below videos and photos aren't referring to a new Zozobra album. It looks like Old Man Gloom has recruited Stephen Brodsky (Cave In, Mutoid Man) as their bassist for the time being, though there's currently no word on if this is true and if they're actually working on a new album or not. They could just be practicing for the Caleb Scofield memorial show they have coming up.

I guess we'll see soon enough. Or not, since Old Man Gloom loves messing with people.

Well, I’ve decided to share another little nugget. Ya’ll deserve it.

This year we were gonna record a new Gloom record. I know, not super revelatory. But Aaron and I had a trick planned, As we always do. We were going to record a second record in secret, as in not tell Caleb and Nate. Then, on release day, released both a full Gloom and a Meditations sequel and wait for Caleb and Nate to figure out what the fuck as happening.

Yes, we were going to troll ourselves this time. I mean, half of ourselves. We figured it was the only place left to go, to fully shit on our own bandmates AND the general public with more gloom.

Obviously, that plan is now completely off, but I thought you all should know, we were gonna spread it around this time.

We love you.

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