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RAMMSTEIN Officially Finish Recording New Album, Will Release Five Music Videos For New Album

It's coming.

It's coming.

2019 is the year Rammstein will finally follow up their 2009 record Liebe ist für alle da and it's going to be a pretty big deal. The record was mixed by Rich Costey (Mastodon, The Mars Volta, Deftones, etc.), and guitarist Richard Kruspe predicts it'll be out in April. At the very least we know Rammstein is aiming to have the record out before their European stadium tour begins on June 28.

Now in a new interview with Kerrang!, Kruspe says the band wrapped things up in November and there will be five music videos to come along with the record. Given this is Rammstein, who knows what we should expect from even one of them.

“We flew to Los Angeles to mix the record with Rich Costey, who has worked with Muse and a bunch of other big bands,” says Richard. “It looks like we will have five music videos coming out this time too. I feel really happy with the album, although a few things might still change, of course.”

Kruspe also adds that recording the new album was a bit of a pain in the ass, but the band is proud overall of what they accomplished.

“It’s going to be this really, really big and super-intense show. It’s so funny – during this recording process we’ve been like six guys in a band, arguing about each tiny fucking snare hit. That was also such an intense experience. You name it, everything you could argue about we have. But now that it’s done, I’m very proud of what we’ve achieved. And actually, that intensity is what made our songs even better.”

Now we play the waiting game.

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