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Legendary Drummer Gene Hoglan Wants To Still Be "Crushing Drums" At 70 Years Old

"It's my intent to be this cut, ripped, 70-year-old dude, hauling the double bass and just crushing the drums."

testament gene hoglan

Gene Hoglan's résumé as a drummer is legendary. Dude currently plays in Testament and Dark Angel, and use to play in bands like Strapping Young Lad, Dethklok, Fear Factory, Death, Forbidden and way more. Hoglan is currently 51 years old and is in great shape, and he clearly knows it.

In an interview with Metal Messiah, Hoglan says he's planning on continuing living a healthy life and really wants to still be playing insanely fast at 70 years old.

"I keep myself in shape by not touring. [Laughs] I have so much discipline throughout all my life. I don't drink. I don't do a lot of stuff, but I tell you, those endless pizzas that you get as after-show food, and things like that…

"And when you're on a killer Slayer tour and there's killer catering, you see all these guys getting salads, and it's like, 'Look at all that meat right there! Holy moly!' I tend to fluff up a little bit on tour, but when I'm off tour, my wife Laura is such a health advocate that I've completely absorbed that.

"I've expressed this many times to many people, that I intend to be playing brutal thrash metal, hauling double bass deep into my 70s – like, no problem. So I'm preparing for that.

"I'm 51 now, and I look and feel better than I did 25 years ago. I'm 51, [but] I feel 27. I've lost 160 pounds from my largest size.

"I figure I can get away with this carriage that I have at 51, but in my 70s, maybe I can't get away with looking like this in 20 years from now, so it's my intent to be this cut, ripped, 70-year-old dude, hauling the double bass and just crushing the drums.

"So I figure I'll be cut, I'll be ripped, I'll be super-duper in shape and then, when I'm 70, I might feel like I'm 22. Right now, I feel 27. Laura does not believe in aging, and if you look at her, she's a baby.

"And I have a baby face, but I'm able to hide it behind shades and goatees and hair and stuff like that, but I have a total babyface, and I'm gonna have this baby face when I'm 70. I don't have any wrinkles. And I smoke. That's my one gnarly non-health thing, but I quit all the other junk.

"I don't eat a lot of junk food. I eat a lot of salads. But I don't have any wrinkles. I'm looking decent. I feel better than ever. I'm working out. And all of this is in order to maintain my lifestyle of being a touring, wielding, dominating musician in my 70s, in my 80s. So, that's not gonna be a problem at all."

Plan on hearing Hoglan shred it up on Testament's new record out presumably this year.

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He's also a fan of Tommy Aldridge and Cozy Powell.