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TOOL Post Update, Are They Done With Their New Record?

Well, holy shit, you guys.


Right from the beginning of this year, it's been looking like we'll finally see the a Tool album. We thought the hype train officially left the station when drummer Danny Carey said the new record would probably be out in mid-April, but then vocalist and ever the realist about the band's updates Maynard James Keenan chimed in and said it would be out probably mid-May and mid-July. Keenan added that "more focused updates to follow as we progress," and it looks like we've got an update.

Tool has taken to Facebook to post a picture of themselves in what appears to be a very clean studio without Keenan, who we already know tracked his vocals a while ago.

This photo was taken in Bob Ludwig's mastering studio. So, they are either starting or finishing mastering.

Is this it? Does this mean that the new Tool album is officially and completely recorded, and it's on to mixing and mastering? My guess is yes.

We'll keep you posted, but one thing is finally for certain – a new Tool album is happening in 2019.

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