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EXODUS takes no shit from security


If there's one thing I hate at shows, its security guard dudes who feed their ego and low self-esteems by being dicks at metal shows. Apparently, EXODUS shares my sentiment for douchey security. At a recent stop on their tour, kids where having a whole bunch of fun stage diving to their old school trash, when a kid got thrown out for it! EXODUS promptly stopped the show and demanded the kid be let back in. Fucking metal! The clip can be seen above. Blabbermouth found a on-the-scene account of everything that happened from user "Fosster3567"

"The last band of the night was well worth the wait. EXODUS caused a huge stir in the Pearl Room. All was fine until about three songs into their set when a fan jumped up on stage and stage-dived. This was fine with the band, they even headbanged next to him. But security felt otherwise and kicked the kid out. EXODUS stopped playing 'Children of a Worthless God' immediately. They shouted at security to let the kid back in and even told the security guard who kicked the kid out to get the fuck out. When they didn't, EXODUS' singer [Rob Dukes] shouted, 'Hey, I'm stage-diving. Kick me the fuck out, big boy.' He jumped into the crowd. When he got back on stage, he commanded the audience all stage-dive. This is when the place turned into total chaos. Audience members were running on stage by the dozen and we were all enjoying the fuck out of ourselves. Then, Pearl Room's management shut off their mics and amps. The singer was arguing with the manager for a few minutes. Luckily, EXODUS was allowed to continue their set, although no one else could stage dive. They were awesome live and played all the fan favorites."

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