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Shocking Revelations

All of The Metal Rods In OZZY's Body Were Dislodged After His Latest Accident According to Sharon Osbourne

He dislodged some metal rods from an old injury.

Image credit: Focka

Ozzy recently rescheduled all of his 2019 farewell tour dates for 2020 after taking a fall at home. At the time, the reports were a little confusing regarding exactly what happened and what Ozzy injured. Now Sharon Osbourne has cleared things up a little bit on The Talk.

According to Sharon, Ozzy fell in the middle of the night and dislodged metal rods in his back, neck and shoulders from an old injury. Which sounds horrifically painful. Sharon also clarifies that Ozzy is doing fine after the fall.

“Ozzy is… Oh, Lord, I don’t know where to begin, and I have to make this quick… He, at the beginning of the year, had a bad flu that went to bronchitis, that went to pneumonia. And then when he had the flu, he came out of hospital and he had a bad accident at home.

He fell. And he fell in the middle of the night. And years ago, previously, he had a motorbike accident, where he was in a coma for days. And what he’d done was he reinjured his back and neck and shoulders.

And all of the metal rods and everything that were put in his body were dislodged. So we had to cancel his year events. But he’s good, he’s fine, he’s great.”

The past injury that required metal rods took place in 2003 when Ozzy was involved in an ATV accident.

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