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Tori Amos Calls Out Metal Bands

Singer-songwriter Tori Amos is known for her piano driven emotive music. When giving a recent interview to Spinner, Amos was asked about pro wrestler Mick Foley being a fan of hers, and she basically said, that emotion-wise, her music can stand up to the heaviest of metals. Here is the full, awesome, quote:

On another topic, former pro wrestler Mick Foley is a big fan of yours and a supporter of your anti-sexual assault organization, RAINN. How did you guys get to meet and have you developed a friendship?

He's great. My nephew is a wrestling aficionado, and somehow I had heard through RAINN that he was doing some really great things for the charity. I met him, and he had heard that my nephew was a wrestling fan, and it kind of went on from there. He's been really beyond stellar to the charity. He's really given.

He's a really liberal, creative figure too, and I think there's a side to him that has always been sort of the poet of the wrestling world, where I wish we could read all his journals of everything he's experienced because I think he's quite a writer.

Were you surprised to find that a wrestling superstar was one of your fans?

Well, look, sometimes you don't know how music affects people. I embrace that because I don't think that just because I talk about emotional stuff that it's not motherfucker stuff. I'll stand next to the hardest fucking heavy metal band on any stage in the world and take them down, alone, by myself. Gauntlet laid down, see who steps up. See who steps up! I'll take them down at 48. And they know I will. Because emotion has power that the metal guys know is just you can't touch it. Insanity can't touch the soul. It's going to win every fucking time.

Fuck yes! Bring it Tori. For those who never heard it, Amos did a cover of Slayer's classic "Raining Blood," completely transforming the song to an almost unrecognizable state. It's so un-metal that it has come full circle to be fully metal again. Take a listen:


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