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THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER To Record New Album This Summer

It's time! As The Black Dahlia Murder finished their mini-tour opening for Meshuggah, as well as some festival dates, they are now hunkering down and writing and recording a new album.

Guitarist Brian Eschbach confirmed the news in a recent interview with Heavy New York saying:

"We're writing new music now, and we're heading into the studio this summer. We're excited to present some more stuff soon. I don't think it will have too much to do with the last album, other than it's the same band playing it. It's not, like, a sequel or anything like that — just some more Black Dahlia Murder songs."

Brian also confirmed that guitarist Brandon Ellis will be contributing more to the writing, as he did on 2017's Nightbringers:

"He brought songs to the table last time, and he's brought songs to the table for the next album too — great stuff. It's an honor to work with him. He's a very creative dude and definitely gets what the band's all about… he just gets it. Everything he writes, he knows what The Black Dahlia Murder sound is. It's always cool to have a good writing partner that gets what the original mission statement of the band is."

As for if the music will have any experimentation or stick to the signature Black Dahlia sound, Brian stated:

"It's never really like a conscious efforts to try to do something different or stay the same. I know it's the same for Brandon as it is for me — we just play with our guitars and mess around until something sounds cool, and [there's] an idea that's worth fleshing out and seeing what will be the next part and the part after that. We're not really strategic about it – it just kind of happens. We don't start writing songs with a goal in mind… It's not thought-about like that."

We're ready!

Watch the whole interview below:


[Transcription via Blabbermouth]

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