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BORKNAGAR Announces New Album True North For September

Color me excited.


Borknagar has undergone quite a few lineup changes over the past year and have come out on the other side with a new album, The band will release True North on September 27, which will feature bassist ICS Vortex performing almost all lead vocals, and will feature Profane Burial drummer Bjørn Dugstad Rønnow and guitarist Jostein Thomassen for the first time.

Here's what founding guitarist Øystein G. Brun had to say about the record.

"This has indeed been a thunderous ride, and we are truly excited to finally start revealing some news about our upcoming album. We have spent almost 2 years writing, recording and producing ‘True North‘ and we are extremely proud of what we have achieved this time around.

On behalf of the whole band, I can firmly say that we have pushed the limits of our musical exploration, while our musical roots have grown even deeper into the northern ground. This is the most diverse, powerful and grandiose Borknagar album to date! Let there be no doubt!

Yet again we have been working with Thor Erik Dullum and Marcelo Vasco Arts for cover and layout design. From the very beginning of the process, we wanted this album to have a very clear, crisp and organic cover that spearheads the cold and northern essence of the album. So what could be more natural than basing it on our very own Nordic surroundings?

Furthermore, we are also very happy to reveal that we have extended our deal with Century Media Records.


Check out the badass artwork below and expect a single soon.

BORKNAGAR Announces New Album True North For September

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