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OZZY OSBOURNE Slams Donald Trump Over Use Of "Crazy Train"

He's about to lose bigly.

ozzy trump

If you witnessed the below video without seeing it came from President Donald Trump's Twitter page, you'd be forgiven in thinking it was just a really strange shit post on Reddit. The video cuts to black after a few seconds of the Democratic debates, starts playing Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train", and then has Trump come out from the shadows, cutting to a Trump/Pence logo. Turns out Trump didn't bother to get permission to use "Crazy Train."

According to a press release from Sharon Osbourne, Trump has already received a cease and desist in using the track. If the below tweet is still up when you're reading this, then you know it didn't go too well.

"Based on this morning's unauthorized use of Ozzy Osbourne' 'Crazy Train', we are sending notice to the Trump campaign (or any other campaigns) that they are forbidden from using any of Ozzy Osbourne's music in political ads or in any political campaigns. Ozzy's music cannot be used for any means without approvals. In the meantime, I have a suggestion for Mr. Trump — perhaps he should reach out to some of his musician friends. Maybe Kanye West ('Gold Digger'), Kid Rock ('I Am The Bullgod') or Ted Nugent ('Stranglehold') will allow use of their music."

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