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PITILESS Are Merciless With Their Cover Of "Human Prey"

Music Videos

PITILESS Are Merciless With Their Cover Of "Human Prey" ***UPDATED BANNED FROM YOUTUBE VIDEO***

The original version of this video was very quickly removed from YouTube. Check it out to view it in all its uncensored brutality.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The original version of this video was very quickly removed from YouTube. Check it out below to view it in all its uncensored brutality.

Let’s not pretend that Pitiless are friends to anyone. The extreme metal duo has said before that they outsiders to both the metal and hardcore music scenes. Though playing a strong straight of extreme metal seen through the lenses of death metal and girndcore, Pitiless play what they want to play: ugly, honest metal that spits blood in your face.

“Human Prey” is a Terorrizer cover. Paying homage to the death/grind greats, Pitiless put the music to the veracity of human atrocities. Warmongering, garbage politicians, violence, destruction: basically, everything that World Downfall was all about. And Pitiless makes no bones about what they’re conveying. The ugliness of humanity bloated with violence and hatred.

The cover is a straightforward slab of grind played like the original. But Pitiless sound right at home covering it. The song sounds vocally urgent and disgusted. As it lurches forward the video's imagery only intensifies the music. It’s raw and it will grind you down.

Pitiless’s new EP Amaranthine will drop on July 26th. You can preorder it here.

I'm here, here and here.

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