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Bummer Alert

MACHINE HEAD Show Paused, Partially Ruined After Fan Throws Beer On The Soundboard

Who does that? What an idiot.


Machine Head played the O2 Academy Brixton in London, England on November 2 and things didn't go so great. Machine Head's show was paused for 20 minutes and then completed with "compromised sound" after a fan threw a 32 oz. beer onto the band's soundboard.

You can read the band's full statement below, as well as watch some fan-filmed footage of the incident.

LONDON!! Last night was tough. First off: We want to thank every single person who attended last nights incredible show. Selling out Brixton Academy in 8 hours, was quite frankly mind-blowing! It was unfortunate that some asshole had to throw a full 32 ounce beer on our soundboard, and completely take it out of commission during the Burn My Eyes set. Your patience and respect to us, and each other, during the whole 20 minute debacle was admirable, and we can't thank you enough.⠀

It did however compromise the rest of the show, and for that we are incredibly sorry. You deserved better than that, and due to consequences beyond our control, we could not deliver that.⠀

Our awesome crew, and specifically our bad ass soundman Steve Lagudi, scrambled to reroute everything over to our monitor board, and as you all know, after a 20 minute break, we were miraculously able to finish the show. Had he not been so quick on his feet about what to do, the show likely could never have finished.⠀

Please give Steve a GIGANTIC thank you in the comments below for saving the fucking day!⠀

We are also incredibly thankful to Andy Coppings crew at the O2 Academy for stepping up big time. Josh Rosen the general manager of the Brixton was fucking incredible, he let us play a half an hour over the EXTREMELY strict curfew, and all of the venue security volunteered their time to allow us to finish the show, out of respect for the band, and our long 25 year history with the Brixton.⠀

It was beyond humbling.⠀

Please give Josh and his crew a MASSIVE thank you in the comments below for helping save the fucking show last night!⠀
We do understand the venue sound was completely compromised for the remainder of the set, and again that is very, very disappointing to us⠀

And while we were able to pull it all together at the end, we really feel like we need to do something special to make it up to the people who attended. ⠀

London deserves better than that. ⠀

We are so grateful for everyone who came out last night to celebrate this amazing moment in Machine Head history. It was a stark and vivid reminder of why you are some of the greatest Head Cases on the entire planet!

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