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Bummer Alert

Anders Odden (CADAVER / SATYRICON) Diagnosed With Colon Cancer, Makes Public Post With Mickey Dee (MOTORHEAD / SCORPIONS) In Support Of Research

Anders Odden

Cancer has easily become the leading scare of our time, and it does not discriminate who it affects each year. The latest musician touched by this horrible condition comes from the all around great guy, Anders Odden (CADAVER / SATYRICON), who was diagnosed back in October with colon cancer and has been undergoing chemo treatments since.

Recently, Anders went public with the news in the form of a private message sent to him from Mikey Dee (Motorhead / Scorpions) and Hank Von Hell (Turbonegro) which you can see below. We're ecstatic to know Anders' condition has been improving and is scheduled to undergo surgery next Monday, in which he plans to make a full recovery and get back to the stage with the newly reformed Cadaver!

If you'd like to learn more about the fight, and support the cause, visit here. We here at Metal Injection send nothing but our good thoughts and vibes to Anders during this trying time!

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