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Members Of DEATH To Reunite For Benefit Tour

This is fucking awesome! To honor the memory of fallen Death mastermind Chuck Schuldiner, members of the legendary DEATH are getting together to jam out some classic tunes for the "Death To All" tour. This will raise money for a great cause, the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund – a charity that provides financial assistance to career musicians faced with illness, disability or age-related problems. Wait until you see who Sick Drummer Magazine have confirmed to be on the bill:

This tour will kick off in San Francisco, CA and work its way to Orlando, FL – stopping in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York along the way.

The drums will be handled by Gene Hoglan (Individual Thought Patterns/Symbolic) and Sean Reinert (Human). On bass will be Steve DiGiorgio (Human/Individual Thought Patterns) and Scott Clendenin (The Sound of Perseverance). Guitar duties will be shared by Paul Masvidal (Human), Shannon Hamm (The Sound of Perseverance) and Bobby Koelble (Symbolic).

Holy shit that is a crazy lineup. One obvious omission is a vocalist, something that is still being worked on. This is all being constructed with the full support of Schuldiner's family. More info will be available on the official website and Facebook page in the next few weeks.


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