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SLUGDGE Member Quarantined Due To Coronavirus

Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 1.17

It's still going to get a lot worse before it gets better, and I feel as the weeks pass, we may hear of more artists contracting COV-19, coronavirus. Even as scientists rush to try to find a cure, it's still a ways off.

One member of the UK doom act Slugdge has seemingly confirmed that he has the respitory virus, writing on Twitter "In quarantine, our lord has once again baptised me in mucus, praise."

Drummer Alan Cassidy, who also plays in The Black Dahlia Murder, offered an update that "He’s gonna be ok but is on a 2 week home quarantine. Send some love."

As of this writing, there have been almost 180,000 known cases of the virus, with over 7,000 deaths. There have been 428 new cases in the last day in the United States alone.

Experts are recommending folks stay home, and avoid large crowds.

[via MetalSucks]

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