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Let's Have A Dance Party and NINE INCH NAILS Are Invited


Today's random Youtube discovery is that of Nine Inch Nails performing on Dance Party USA. How the hell did this even happen? Reznor chimed in via Twitter explaining the whole situation, and having a good laugh about it:

“Many years ago, a young and naive Nine Inch Nails were asked what TV shows they’d be interested in appearing on. As a joke (and likely drunk), they thought of the most absurd choice they could come up with at the time.

They were then informed their bluff had been called and were actually booked on said show (thanks again Sioux Z). They hopped in their Honda Civic touring vehicle (hatchback) and travelled many miles to (I think) NJ for the big show.

They had a laugh making fun of the people, their fashion choices and hairstyles. Life was good. Years later, the internet is discovered… There’s a moral in there somewhere.

Come to think of it, Skrillex may indeed owe me some publishing on that hairdo…”

You have to hand it to Reznor for having a sense of humor about this clip, some others might not have reacted the same way. [via MetalSucks]

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