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A Bat Pissed In TORCHE Guitarist's Eye.

Here's a gross Friday story for you. Andrew Elstner, guitarist for the Florida metal band Torche, has had a rough week: A bat pissed straight into his eyeball. This all went down last week and the guitarist posted on his Facebook: "Whether or not you think I'm telling the truth is irrelevant at this point. What I'm worried about now is rabies."

According to comments made to Pitchfork, Elstner was staying at a friend's house, turned on the light in a room and found a trapped and frightened bat who proceeded to piss in his eye whilst making it's escape. Elstner thought nothing of it until he told his parents the story and they freaked out, as parents do and made him go get vacinated for rabies just in case. He went to get treated and then posted this on his Facebook:

So the rabies saga continues… Currently in the emergency room at St. Luke's to start rabies vaccination. Such a long dumb story. Extremely slim odds that I'm at risk, but, weth rabies, you have a short window to get treated, and beyond that, it is incurable and 100% fatal. Having said all that, I feel like I'm getting treated for a unicorn bite. Bunch of nonsense.

All is back to normal now and Torche is set to hit the road shortly with Corrosion of Conformity. Get the dates here.

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