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Bummer Alert

Rob Arnold Is Over Touring; SIX FEET UNDER Find Replacement Guitarist

Here's something we've seen happen all the time. Bands, and band members in specific are over the touring grind. Riding in smelly vans, having five dollars a day for food and nowhere to shower can take a toll on anybody. Usually, those band members just quit music all-together and get a real job. Rob Arnold though, gets to have his cake, and eat it too.

Six Feet Under issued a press release today saying that Arnold has "retired" from touring, but will still be an active member in the writing of the band's music in the future. This is kind of a bummer because watching Arnold with the band at Summer Slaughter last year were one of the highlights for me.

Chris Barnes has already found a replacement in Ola Englund. I've never heard of the dude but it seems like he has his riffing chops in order:


Six Feet Under will be spending all of June on the road with Dying Fetus and Revocation. Get dates here. Their new album, Undead is out now. Buy it on Amazon.

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