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BOUND IN FEAR Tackles Domestic Abuse In "Everblack"

It has some real Vildhjarta vibes to it.

UK deathcore quintet Bound In Fear is now streaming their new single "Everblack", which has some serious Vildhjarta vibes. The single's music video tackles domestic and child abuse, and is semi-anecdotal of vocalist Ben Mason’s upbringing.

"It felt alien making a video that was so personal and honest to me. Seeing it in its final form really tore me up, and made me realise how much the video’s subject still affects my life," said Mason.

"I thought I had dealt with it, but in reality it is something I will always have to live with. There are so many others who have suffered in this way and are afraid to talk about it. If this video encourages even one person to reach out and get help, then that means the world to us and is a step in the right direction for society"

Bound In Fear's new EP Eternal is out now.

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