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Revelations of Doom

Ravishing Grimness and "English Heritage Black Metal": Introducing Kim Kelly & WINTERFYLLETH

I'm sure those of you who actually bother to read the itty-bitty tags sprinkled across these pages are wondering,"Who the fuck is Grim Kim, and why is she insulting my place of residence in such a worrisomely profane manner?"

Fear not, I come in peace (well, sort of). I'm going to be helping the MI dudes update the news section and, with my brand-new Revelations of Doom column, will also be doing my damnedest to introduce you guys to some of the best bands you've never heard of – killer underground/overlooked projects, & up 'n' coming acts that aren't getting the sort of attention they so richly deserve.

My tastes run towards the most extreme ends of the metal spectrum, so suffice it to say, it'll be a cold day in Hades before you see me raving about the new Disturbed record on here. I'm more of an Eyehategod/Drudkh/Satanic Warmaster/Hellbastard kinda gal (ten metal points to whoever can spot the Hellhammer reference in this paragraph!).


Speaking of Drudkh, their influence seems to be reaching far past the borders of their Ukrainian homeland, this time crossing the English Channel to take hold of an ambitious young band who named themselves for the October moon…

WINTERFYLLETH (or "Winter Full Moon" if ye happen to speake Olde English) hail from the dreary Northwest of England, the birthplace of heavy metal and home to more misbehaving royals and shoddy dental work than I care to think about. Unlike the squeaky-clean commercial heights and frighteningly extreme depths to which countrymen CRADLE OF FILTH and AANAL NATHRAKH (never thought you'd see those two mentioned in the same breath, eh?) have taken black metal, WINTERFYLLETH choose to walk a different path.

Marrying the grave-robbing grimness of old ENSLAVED or ULVER with the ethereal woodland ambiance and atmospheric folk touches of DRUDKH and ISENGARD, WINTERFYLLETH have made considerable headway in carving out their own niche within the sparse but rabidly dedicated sub-subgenre of black/folk metal. As a purely English band, they choose to create their music using their ancestral Anglo-Saxon history for lyrical fodder, dubbing themselves "English Heritage Black Metal." Also inspired by the natural beauty of the English countryside, they delve into tales of blood, valor, and battle, telling the stories of those who came before them and died for the glory of England.

One of my favorite labels, Profound Lore, snapped these guys up and will be releasing WINTERFYLLETH's debut album, The Ghost of Heritage, come fall (October 14, to be exact), as well as a split with related project WODENSTHRONE (who also rule!). Check 'em out, and prepare to be conquered!

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