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Bummer Alert

TOOL Member Injures Himself, Delaying New Record

Huhuh, I said Tool member…

When we posted the story yesterday about Tool guitarist Adam Jones proposing to his new fiance at the WWE Royal Rumble, the biggest piece of feedback was not a congratulations to Adam, but a question about when we can finally hear new Tool music.

I decided to check out the official Tool website, and things do not look good.

A post from three days ago, in the Tool official newsletter states that an unnamed member of the band was recently in a Vespa accident:

The New Year started off on a bad note as far as writing and arranging sessions for Tool's next record. For the most part this was due to a 'minor' accident on a Vespa scooter (slick road conditions being the cause) by a certain band member that resulted in several broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. Because of the physical nature of the musical instrument involved, 9 DAYS of jamming were lost, although I'm happy to report that the person involved is recovering nicely, so much so, in fact, that writing sessions resumed last Monday (January 21), despite it being a holiday for many.

Coincidently (?), a few days prior to the mishap on the scooter, another person involved with Tool also wound up in the hospital after crashing his Vespa in Hollywood. Although he suffered a head injury (as well as multiple cuts and bruises to his body), I'm quite certain that if you were to order an "Entaphiosis" Hoddie, you would receive an "Entaphiosis" Hoodie.

I have to assume it's not Adam who was injured since he was in attendance at the PPV, that leaves drummer Danny Carey and bassist Justin Chancellor to be injured. We are glad to hear that everybody is ok and that their recording/jamming should resume shortly.

The webmaster of the Tool site promised a more thorough update next month. We'll keep you posted.

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