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BORN OF OSIRIS Tease New Material

So remember how I was saying they only went into the studio not so long ago? Well, now there's some material you can preview… and it rules.

So without any further delay, I bring you not one, not two, but three separate little clips courtesy of Vine-

In no way is the next statement I'm about to make a bad thing, but this is pretty much exactly what I expected and what I brought up in the aforementioned article. It's got that Discovery element to it with the synths and all that, but I'll be damned if that doesn't reek of The New Reign in the best way possible. I'm really, really hoping they'll be keeping us all updated like this- it's a cool way to keep fans constantly engaged without being annoying. Not that Born of Osiris are the first to utilize Vine for this either, with Whitechapel having done it a little earlier on in the year.


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