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Kid's Reaction To DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN's "Prancer" Is Priceless

Dillinger Escape Plan tends to have the effect on people where you want to headbang, but you also just want to flail around mindless and generally freak out. This kid does both and neither at the same time.


Alright, let's break this down in the order that it happens.

First, this kid was like "I'm going to make a video of me just flipping shit to the new Dillinger track. God this is going to be cool… alright, what do I need? Definitely a pink wig. Yeah, and probably a guitar. I see a have a real guitar in the background over there, but I'll just use the Guitar Hero guitar. Just in case."

Alright, so he's got all that. The next step was to find something difficult to stand on and position it in the middle of the room, and then jump on it. Surprisingly he lands it, and then goes for the guitar flip- critical error. Down he goes! Down so hard that he doesn't move, which could mean his neck is broken.

R.I.P. Pink Hair DEP Kid. You'll be missed, but thanks for using your final moments for some laughs.

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