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No New TOOL Album Until 2014

We got really excited early this year when a posting on the official TOOL website hinted that perhaps the band was almost done recording a new album. Then there was injuries and frontman Maynard Kennan saying "nope, no album in 2013" but we still held out hope, as did drummer Danny Carey.

But even Danny's lost hope. In a new interview, he says we won't hear new TOOL music until 2014.

Loudwire spoke to Carey recently about his other project Volto, and managed to get a quote on a new Tool album:

“It’s still the three of us right now and four of us it will be soon, you know, just working on all our parts and working on our compositions together,” Carey says, referring to Keenan’s current absence from the recording sessions. “Stylistically, we’re trying to push things in different ways, but it always comes out sounding like Tool no matter what we’re trying to do. We’re working everyday on it and it’s going really well, so I’m hoping we’ll get into the studio by the end of the year.”

When we asked about a possible 2013 release date for the album, Carey responded, “I doubt it. Right now, since we haven’t started tracking stuff at this point, it’ll be hard. We could have the record finished by the end of the year — that’s a possibility, but the logistics of getting it manufactured and getting the record company in line and all this stuff, I doubt we’ll be able to get it out before Christmas. We’ll see how it goes. Most likely, it’ll be early 2014.”

I am not at all upset by this. TOOL is the type of band that I want to take their time recording a new album. I don't need anything to be rushed for my sake. Just put out a good product!

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