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Breakups & Shakeups

What Caused GOD FORBID To Break Up?

God Forbid breaking up was a pretty big deal, especially since nobody really saw it coming. Now we've got guitarist Doc Coyle and bassist John Outcalt's take on the break-up. Will we finally learn what was the final straw that broke the camel's back?

In an interview done by Danko Jones and posted on Blabbermouth, Doc Coyle said the following about the band's break-up:

"I don't want to leave the band, but there are elements of disorganization and unprofessionalism within the group that have made it impossible to be an effectively active band. I don't feel like I'm being treated in a way that meets my standards, so I have to remove myself from the equation… Unfortunately, touring with the band last year proved to be unsustainable from a financial survival standpoint. I was homeless, in debt and needed to figure something out, because this lifestyle I was living was not working. The last few years are the first time in my life I've really thought about what I wanted to do outside of God Forbid."

Then last night, The PRP obtained this quote by bassist John Outcalt via his Facebook before it was deleted:

“So as you all know by nowGod Forbid broke up. I don’t really want to talk about the why and how concerning this and my feelings about it, other than to say I’m not disappointed so much about the fact that it happened, but rather the way it happened.

What I do want to say is thank you, to all the people who have supported us and helped us along, and that means our fans, our families and loved ones, other members of this band that once was, people who have fed us, let us sleep in their homes, people who gave us rides to where we needed to go no matter how far, who let us borrow equipment, who worked for us for less than they should have been paid or for nothing at all, people who bought us drinks, who drove hundreds or even thousands of miles or stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to see us play (or both), people who have shared their time, skills and advice to help us, those who have slept in the most filthy and uncomfortable positions in our tour vans, who have risked their lives with us on back to back to back overnight drives all over the country and the world, people who have spent their hard earned money to help us by buying an album, tee shirt, a drink or to get into a show, people who have chosen to be and to remain our friends through the greatest of times and through the worst, to bands we have shared the stage with both huge and unknown.

Thank you so much for all the faith and generosity that any and all of you have shown to us over the years we have existed. I hope you’ve learned from the bad times and savored the good times as much as we have. I can’t say it enough, thank you so much!”

While the thank you's and everything are nice, I'm left wondering exactly how the band broke up now that Outcalt has said he's not happy about the way it happened.

To my knowledge, Doc Coyle quit first and then the rest just snowballed… so maybe Coyle didn't say anything and just dropped out via the Internet? Will we get some clarity on the situation? Coyle basically just states why he was dropping out but doesn't make it clear if that's what caused the total break-up or not. Clearly, there was some internal drama and the band is being respectful of each other to not air (all of) their dirty laundry in public.

Regardless, the band is dunzo at this point.

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