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HATE ETERNAL Loses Drummer, Writing A New Record

Hate Eternal have gone from drum machine Derek Roddy to Jade Simonetto, and now they'll need to start again. While that does suck quite a bit, the band show no signs of stopping their almost 15-year career as they writing a new album to be released in 2014!

Fortunately Simonetto isn't quitting due to any bad blood between the members. Instead, he's looking to further his education and get a post-music career going (that sounds familiar).  According to the band's Facebook:

Simonetto states about leaving, "Being a part of Hate Eternal has been one of the greatest experiences of my life and parting ways is, by far, the most difficult thing I've ever had to do. Erik & JJ are older brothers to me and have always looked out for my best interests. Knowing I wont be touring and jamming with those guys is a hard pill to swallow, but I'm choosing to pursue my education and establish myself career-wise. I'll miss the world of diehard metal heads who come out to shows and support this great thing we all love. I wish Erik & JJ all the success in the world personally and professionally and have no doubt that Erik will discover some monster drummer we haven't yet heard of. It's what he does!."

Hate Eternal founder and guitarist/vocalist Erik Rutan comments, "It's been a great road traveled with Jade as a part of the band for six years, two very special albums and many, many tours across the world. Some of the best times and experiences in my life and career have been with Jade in the band. Jade is like a brother to JJ and I, and we are very proud of all we accomplished together as a band . His loyalty, dedication, and commitment to Hate Eternal is something we'll always be very grateful for and Jade will always be family. This has been in discussion for some time now and we all agreed that it was time for this to happen. We wish Jade nothing but the best with his future and thank him for all his hard work and tremendous contributions to Hate Eternal."

Someone pretty damn good is going to have to fill those shoes… and it looks like it will be Misery Index/Pig Destroyer drummer Adam Jarvis, at least this weekend when the band plays it's only show of 2014 at Phil Anselmo's Housecore Horror Festival. News on the new album is:

Rutan comments on the writing process, "JJ and I are super excited with the progress of the new material. We've been collaborating to make an album that pushes all the boundaries and dynamics yet remains true to our roots and legacy. We have been very critical with the new songs and really have honed in on crafting an album with many variances in tempo and mood, and songs that separate themselves from one another to give a unique entity to each composition. Our goal is to continue to expand the different facets of Hate Eternal and extreme metal. This album is going to be a monster!"

Well, at least we're getting a new album sooner than later!

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