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Breakups & Shakeups

THE OCEAN Will Lose Two Members After Their Current Tour

News regarding The Ocean recently has been pretty positive, overall: kickass tour DVD stuff, a new EP in 2014… and now, some not so positive news: two of the dudes are quitting after this tour. Crap!

Guitarist Jonathan Nido and drummer Luc Hess will no longer be with the band after they finish up their current run around the world. From all the footage I've seen of the dudes live, it seems like they're an incredible band to see so I'm really hoping they can sufficiently replace these two! According to Nido's Facebook page:

As some of you already know, this upcoming tour will be the last one for me and Luc as members of THE OCEAN. We will both quit the band permanently after the last show of the tour.

June 25th 2013, after careful consideration, Luc decided to let us know that he would not carry-on playing with The Ocean after this European headlining tour. 2 days later, I also decided that it was time for a change and have kindly told the guys that this upcoming European tour will be the last one I will play with The Ocean as well.

An official and more detailed statement from the both of us will be published after the tour. As for now, all I can say is that we both had the feeling it was the right time to take this decision and move-on. There are obviously a ton of reasons for that to happen now. That include artistic divergence, full-time commitment to a project that isn't 100% fullfilling anymore and other stuff like not wanting to deal with certain aspects/restrictions of what an established/touring act requires for its production and also the way things are generally working, especially on a personal level.

I don't think we were supposed to announce this anytime before the end of the tour for whatever reason, but Luc and I thought that people that have discovered / enjoyed this band with this line-up during the last 6 years would maybe appreciate to know that this will be the last tour with this line-up instead of just finding out about it when the tour is over. So yeah, come out to any of these shows and let's have a drink to celebrate whatever is next for both The Ocean and us!

Sounds like there was some serious tension. Wonder how the band are going to respond to this?

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