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Teen Becomes Musical Whiz After Suffering Head Injury

Meet Lachlan Connors. Lachlan liked to play lacrosse in sixth grade, and accidently hit his head on the ground one day suffering a concussion. After suffering a second concussion soon after which resulted in epileptic seizures and mini-hallucinations, doctors advised him not to play contact sports anymore. This is when he discovered his new talent, his ability to play music. 

According to his mother, Lachlan possessed no music talent as a child but now can play up to 13 instruments including "piano, guitar, mandolin, ukelele, harmonica, karimba and bagpipes." Here's the kicker, Lachlan cannot read music at all, he plays it all by ear. He believes the sole reason for this is his head injury:

"I honestly think something got rewired," he said. "Something just changed, and thank God it did."

There you go. So if you want to get really good, sign up for a lacrosse team and make sure to suffer some concussions. It'll pay off in the longrun. Here's the original CBS 4 report:

[via Gawker]

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