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INSAIN Unleash Brutal New EP…And Then Break Up

France's Insain first burst onto the metal scene in 2010 with an impressive slab of brutal death metal called Spiritual Rebirth. Unfortunately, after the album was released the band's drummer, Jonathan Juré, was seriously injured in a car accident that took him out of commission for over a year and interrupted Insain's European tour. Rather than replace their drummer, the band began writing some new material in the downtime while Juré recuperated. Finally, in 2012, Juré was ready to rejoin Insain and the band immediately began rehearsing and recording a new EP's worth of material. That EP is now complete and Metal Injection is proud to give you lucky saps the first taste of what's in store!

The EP is titled Enlightening the Unknown and it's a big improvement over the already solid Spiritual Rebirth. In addition to the standard trappings of brutal death metal, Insain have begun incorporating high-pitched blackened shrieking to counter-balance the guttural death growls. There's also some unorthodox guitar work as well –  the ringing guitar chords toward the end of "Absorbing the Masse" wouldn't sound out of place in a Hollywood Western. Daniel Neagoe of Eye Of Solitude shows up to lend his formidable wind pipes to the EP's titular track as well.

Enlightening the Unknown Track Listing:

1. "Abyssum Invocatis"
2. "Absorbing the Masse"
3. "The Faceless One"
4. "Beyond Stellar Remnants"
5. "The Scourge"
6. "Enlightening the Unknown"
7. "Apex"

With as much promise as this young band shows, it's a damn shame this EP is going to be Insain's swansong. Unfortunately, the guys in Insain have officially thrown in the towel and moved on to other projects. It's always a bummer when good bands break up prematurely, but hopefully these guys will on go on to bigger and better things in the near future.

Enlightening the Unknown will be available for purchase beginning March 11th worldwide and it'll be available for pre-order starting on February 11th through Kaotoxin Records. There's only going to be 1000 copies of the CD pressed and no future represses, so, if you like what you hear below, snap this sweet baby up while you can. Now, without any further gum flapping on my part, feast your ears on brand new furiously brutal death metal from Insain!



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