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FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH In Hot Water After Bringing 9 Year Old Girl Up For "Burn Mother Fu**er"

People in Fort Myers, FL. just don't know how to have a good time.

People in Fort Myers, FL. just don't know how to have a good time.

A few days ago, we posted an uncovered news report on death metal from the early 90s and laughed at how silly the fear everybody had was back then. Watching this news report (embedding disabled) about a recent Five Finger Death Punch concert in Fort Myers, FL, you would think the news crew is still stuck in the 90s.

Here is the original footage in question:


The report is about a 9 year old girl who went to a festival with her father and was brought up on stage during Five Finger Death Punch's rendition of "Burn MFer" which is short for "Burn Motherfucker." The nine year old isn't exactly super outgoing, so she stood there kind of nervous, as one would when 9 and standing onstage in front of thousands of people. Her father was right there, taping the experience.

Apparently people shouting "burn motherfucker" is abuse nowadays? This is ridiculous. How many curse words did you know by the time you were nine? I'd venture to say all of them. Her father put it best:

"It's a bad word yeah," he said. "It's a word. That's all it is. It's a word…Everyone cusses. They're going to hear it at school. They're going to see it on TV, movies…It's everywhere," said Mark. "You're not going to get rid of violence….ever. You're not going to get rid of cussing, swearing."

Do you think what 5FDP did warranted this sort of coverage? Weigh in below in the comments…


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