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BEHEMOTH Have Been Kicked Out of Russia

They had the wrong kind of visa!

They had the wrong kind of visa!

Yesterday, Nergal from Behemoth used the band's Facebook page to send an S.O.S. message saying they have been detained by Russian authorities for visa issues.

In a new interview, Nergal explained the misunderstanding:

"We received the visas at the Russian consulate in Warsaw. When we asked how to fill out the paperwork, we were told that it was necessary to obtain a business visa. We did everything we were told. Now it turned out that it was necessary to get some kind of a 'humanitarian' visa, not a business one."

According to Blabbermouth, a humanitarian visa is one required to enter Russia for "wishing to enter Russia for cultural purposes, science, sports, religion, etc."

The remainder of the band's "Russian Satanist" tour has been cancelled and after spending a night in jail, the band have been ordered to leave Russia within a reasonable amount of time. When asked what the conditions in the jail were like, Nergal said:

"It was a very small room and the walls were smeared with feces. At night, we asked to be taken to the toilet but our request was denied for some reason. So we had to use plastic bottles instead."

So basically it was like touring in a van. Additionally, the band was fined 2,000 rubles, which is about $60. The band hopes to one day return to Russia for a proper tour.

Here is a local Russian news report of the band looking miserable while being detained:


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