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RIP a Livecast #13 – Gunface of the Red Chord joins us

RIP a Livecast #13 – Gunface of the Red Chord joins us

img_8793On a very special edition of the livecast, we are joined by the guitarist of THE RED CHORD, Mike "Gunface" McKenzie. Gunface discussed how the writing of the new record went, the infamous LADDER UP AN ASS, touring and more. Gunface also gives us some acapella singing of what some of the guitar parts on the CD sound like. Gunface also joins in on our Death or Not Death game, where a set of band names are given and we have to figure out which is the fake one. We would say this episode doesn't suck, but what do we know, WE WERE ONLY THERE THE WHOLE TIME! Here is this week's playlist:

SIGH – In Devil's Arms
THEORY IN PRACTICE – Asken Apocrypha
CROTCHDUSTER – Stars Ingenious Cooter (live)

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