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Singer-Songwriter Speaks Out Against "Bullshit Media Stereotype" About Metal Fans

Not to mention he's an amazing, unbelievably talented guitarist.

Not to mention he's an amazing, unbelievably talented guitarist.

Download Festival 2014 hosted a wide variety of music, from the likes of Behemoth and Opeth to Bad Religion and Aerosmith. They also had an acoustic stage set up where the disgustingly talented Jon Gomm played and seemingly met a bunch of metal heads that he liked. Or at least some encounter to provoke him to post the following status to his Facebook after his performance regarding the "bullshit" societal views of fans of heavy music!

"So much fun playing at Download. Metal people are the best people. As a non-metal (although I can feel that changing inside me) I just wanna point out an obvious thing: Metal fans are like a family. The bullsh*t media stereotype of 'Teenage Gunman Was Death Metal Fan' makes me so angry. I've never felt more appreciation, respect, humour and LOVE at a festival. I hope when I have kids they're metal fans. Maximum respect to you all. And thanks for having me."

Yeah, they were so nice they're making Gomm rethink his tastes. Go back and re-read that statement and really appreciate how awesome metal fans are for a minute that someone who doesn't seem to know much about the culture loved it right off the bat. Right on, metal fans! Now we just need Gomm to stay away from metal site comments sections.

In other news, if Gomm starts soloing on metal records we here at Metal Injection will slow down the audio so you can hear Gomm's note choice and not just a flurry of insanity. Check out his song "Passionflower" below from 2012 and see for yourself!



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