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Who Wants A CELTIC FROST Comic Book Illustrated By Members Of MAYHEM, NAPALM DEATH, Etc.?

Oh, and members of 1349, Neurosis, Darkthrone, Obituary and Paradise Lost… plus more.

Oh, and members of 1349, Neurosis, Darkthrone, Obituary and Paradise Lost... plus more.

Corpse Flower Records and CV Books will be dropping the 155-page comic Morbid Tales! An Illustrated Tribute To Celtic Frost on November 14! To add to that already heaping amount of awesome, Corpse Flower Records will be issuing an accompanying LP of Celtic Frost covers later in the year. Let's get back to the greatness of this comic for a minute though!

The book will be edited together by Mark Rudolph, artist for bands like Carcass and Coalesce, and will be illustrations of the worlds conveyed by Celtic Frost's music. The press release says the illustrations aren't so much based on the lyrics as they are "the worlds," so it'll be really interesting to see how that turns out! Some of the artists and music legends that worked on the book's illustrations include Rudolph himself, Ravn (1349), Ben Ash (Carcass),Scott Kelly (Neurosis), Fenriz (Darkthrone), Shane Embury (Napalm Death), Greg Macintosh (Paradise Lost), Trevor Peres (Obituary), Attila Csihar (Mayhem), Chris Reifert (Autopsy) and so many others!

The book will also include forewords from Tomas Lindberg (At The Gates) and Ivar Bjornson (Enslaved). Don't take my word on how cool this is going to be though. Check out a video trailer for the book below!


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"And Reed would've been part of the Celtic Frost union in the 2000s, but Martin didn't like the idea, for some reason."


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