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Shocking Revelations

OZZY Says 9/11 Was Exciting For Him; Immediately Retracts Statement



We featured Ozzy Osbourne recently because he got into the wrong car while his wife Sharon was talking to the media. It was funny, everyone laughed and we all went on with our lives.

Now in an interview with Short List, Ozzy speaks on meeting the president and how 9/11 was exciting for him because "it was his kind of crazy." You can't make this kind of stuff up.

"I wasn’t scared, I was excited! It was my kind of craziness, y’know. The day after that happened, there was f*cking nobody in New York. I remember standing on the steps of the hotel, and – you know when you see an old cowboy film and that tumbleweed rolls past on the ground? There was newspapers just floating around on the streets. It was so fucking weird. Everybody just backed off Manhattan because they didn’t know if it was an all-out thing or what."

I get what he's saying. He likes the apocalyptic sort of scenario that occurred because crazy is attracted to crazy. But dude, Ozzy… you can't just go around calling 9/11 exciting. As someone whose family was there (they're fine) and knows a lot of people whose families were there (not so much), I never once thought "boy that was crazy and exciting!" It's horrifying, and this is coming from a dude who likes apocalypse and bleak and depressing… in fiction. Not when people are losing their lives.

Somebody clearly clued Ozzy in to how bad what he said would go over online, so Ozzy has released this statement to help clarify what was mentioned:

"Several quotes were pulled from another interview that [had been] posted earlier in the day and were taken out of context to create the story. I apologize to anyone who may see these quotes and believe this is actually how I feel … You would think that at my age I would finally realize that any conversation with a journalist can be twisted, reprinted and made into another story. It’s another life lesson learned.

My representatives have asked the Mail Online to pull the piece, but of course, they’ve refused and now it has been subsequently picked up worldwide because of the sensational slant the Mail Online put on the story."

Which is understandable… except the quote we pulled is from the full interview. That's the entirety of what he said, front to back, about 9/11. It's kind of hard to say we misinterpreted that when we left nothing out, right? The Daily Mail did what they did in terms of piecemeal sensationalist quoting, but what you see up there is everything. Come on, Ozzy.

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