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Here's Another New FAITH NO MORE Song, "Cone of Shame"

Also, Faith No More made the new record because they were bored. Fact.

Also, Faith No More made the new record because they were bored. Fact.

Here's a brief recap of things if you've been living under a rock recently- Faith No More is dropping Sol Invictus on May 19, the band's first record since 1997's Album of the Year, and it's a pretty big deal. We've heard some tracks off the album already live, one of which we've heard the studio version of, and it sounds amazing.

At their 2/18/2015 Tokyo, Japan show, the band premiered another new track:


While the video had no title, don't you worry. Keyboardist Roddy Bottum's got you covered:

In related news, Bottum said in a recent interview that Sol Invictus goes back to the band's roots. it's an interesting statement to make considering Mike Patton joined the group in 1988 and wasn't on the first two records. Not that anyone doubts Patton's ability to adapt vocally to any situation ever.

“I would say that it really does go back to out roots, and really gothic – it’s really sort of in the dark and there’s a lot of sombre tones on it. I get gut instincts from simple stripped down sounds, when we do that successfully, and for me there is a lot of those moments on the record. Like, not as dense as the place that we usually go and there’s a lot of places with a really simple instrumentation and pianos – there is a lot of pianos – and a lot of really, concise smart lyrics that can be heard and understood. And those sort of places on the record are the strongest for me.”

Bottum also reveals the real reason Faith No More made a new record- they were bored. Seriously.

“We got really bored with what we were doing and we also felt like there are a whole lot of people out there who look to us to be inspired and encouraged by what we do artistically. So to be doing old songs on a big stage with a lot of people watching over and over – it felt kind of cheap and easy and a little too safe of a place to be. That’s not who we are. We’ve always pushed buttons and we’ve always rubbed against the grain and we’ve always challenged things."

Bottum could have said they made the new record for basically any reason and we'd still be chomping at the bit to hear it much like we are right now.

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