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TOOL Settle Lawsuit; Move Full Steam Ahead on Recording New Album

The band has 10 songs sitting around in various stages of completion!

The band has 10 songs sitting around in various stages of completion!

It's no secret that Tool fans have eagerly been anticipating a new record for quite a while. The band blamed a lawsuit from a visual artist the band was involved with being the main reason for the delay. Now Tool guitarist Adam Jones says the lawsuit is finally over and the group can finally get back to writing the new record! Which is what we all thought Tool was doing in this picture right here a few months ago, but apparently they mean business now. Perhaps things would have been different if they were paying auto insurance.

Jones told Yahoo! Music:

"It got really ugly and shameful. This is a real simplification of the matter — but imagine paying auto insurance, getting into a wreck, and expecting the insurance company to cover you. And they come back to you and say, 'Well, you drive an SUV and we don't consider that an auto so we're not going to cover you.' And then they turn around and sue you because you want them to cover you. It's crazy."

Jones also said that one of the band members was dealing with a serious illness, either with himself or with a spouse, which impeded work on a new record. So from all of us to that band member or that family member- we hope everything turned out for the best!

"I'd rather let the person who dealt with the illness talk about it out of respect. But one thing was a really scary do-or-die, serious illness and that was really scary. When you're trying to write music and you have that eating away at you — this person you're married to and you love and hate at the same time has something they're dealing with that's out of their control — it's distracting."

Jones also manages to throw in to the conversation that Tool currently has 10 songs sitting around in various stages of completion and the band is ramping up production:

“Our greatest strength is jamming and coming up with stuff,” Jones says. “We’re doing that really well now and I’m excited about everything we’re working on. Some of it’s really heavy, some of it’s complex and some is more atmospheric, but it’s definitely Tool. I think having this lawsuit out of the way should really speed of the progress of getting the album done.”

So at the very least we as fans will have a lot to listen to once the record is finally out!

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