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BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME Bassist Says The New Record Features Mostly Clean Vocals!

"It’s probably a big spoiler to say, there’s about 80% clean singing – melodic singing. That’s the way the music has been going."

"It’s probably a big spoiler to say, there’s about 80% clean singing – melodic singing. That’s the way the music has been going."

Waking up the morning of Apr. 3, there was one thing I was looking forward to more than anything that new- a new Between The Buried and Me song. I absolutely love what the group did on "Memory Palace," but it seems like it really divided fans with its more progressive rock approach and loads of clean vocals. Bassist for the group Dan Briggs said in an interview with Metal Insider that the loads of clean vocals is something fans can definitely expect on Coma Ecliptic.

There’s more of a focus on melody in the record. It’s probably a big spoiler to say, there’s about 80% clean singing – melodic singing. That’s the way the music has been going. It was what was most natural for us to write. That being said, we’re a fucking progressive rock metal band. The music that is within is still very different. We didn’t decide to write a radio rock record. It’s kooky; it’s very Between the Buried and Me. But the people have been following our trajectory since Colors – seven years – these elements have been there. The progressive rock thing has been showing its head since then and it’s the focus now. It’s at the forefront.

He then clarifies the statement a little bit by saying it's still going to be a metal record.

It’s still very much progressive and wild Between the Buried and Me record but there’s less of an abrasive metal influence. It’s more of an outwardly progressive musical statement – a melodic statement.

Alright, as a fan of the band for years and years now, I have to say I'm absolutely on board with this. The Parallax albums were amazing for what they were, but there's no point in the group writing Parallax III for the new stuff. Hell, if you want to dig even further than that, technically the Parallax started with the nearly 18-minute crusher "Swim to the Moon" on 2009's The Great Misdirect. Why not change it up a bit? The music was heading in that direction anyway and clearly it's not something out of Between the Buried and Me's scope of writing given the quality of the new song.

All this interview has done is make me about 10,000 times more excited for the record than I was before.

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