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SUNN O))) To Hit The Studio In July Without Any Readily Apparent Plans



Sunn O))) will always be one of my favorite artists because none of the guys in the group are afraid to push the boundaries. Just a quick look at the group's last studio record, Monoliths and Dimensions in 2009, will show you that pretty much anything goes. Yet somehow it all comes together in an amazingly coherent package. Ah, such is the life of talented drone-type artists, I suppose.

Wait, 2009? Where the fuck is a new record? According to Sunn O)))'s Greg Anderson in an interview with Noisey, it's coming sometime this year… probably.

Well, we’re actually going to go into the studio in July to record some new material and see where that takes us. But it is kind of a daunting task. For us, the reason we hadn’t done anything since 2009 and the Monoliths and Dimensions album was because that album for us was so much work to make. We put a lot of energy and work into that album, and I’m super proud of what we did, but everything since then has been like “what are we gonna do now?” And it’s not like we’re always creating music together, because everyone lives so far apart. At this point, Stephen lives in Paris and the lineup for the last five years with Atilla on vocals and Tos on keyboards, I’m the only guy who lives in the U.S. [laughs] We just don’t get together very often to make new music. So that’s been one of the challenges with this is because we haven’t gotten together.

I love that Anderson kicks off this statement by pointing out the group will hit the studio "to see where that takes us." Monoliths and Dimensions seemed like such a planned out nightmare orchestra that maybe Sunn O))) is just going to go in and mess around with some sounds? Who knows if the record will even be out this year, but I'm way stoked.

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