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ANGEL VIVALDI Doesn't Get Why You Hate Shreddy Instrumental Music

Also, use "self indulgent" correctly.

Also, use "self indulgent" correctly.

Angel Vivaldi is the purveyor of some of the finest instru-metal out there, so at the basest level you're not even allowed to dislike the guy's music. You go listen to the Universal Language EP right now and tell me you're not about to jam that for the rest of the day, alright?

Anyway, Vivaldi recently took to Facebook to post the following video about people calling his and other shreddy instrumental music "self-indulgent." He makes some incredibly good points, but I think the bottom line is that if guitar-heavy music is what makes an artist happy, then it's art! It's not really self-indulgent to make something you love and then try to share it with the world… because isn't trying to make other people happy through your own creative outlet the complete opposite of indulging oneself?

Check it out!

Instrumental music… self-indulgent?oh, here we go…#ShredShaming #AllNotesMatter #MmmmHatersForBreakfastYum

Posted by Angel Vivaldi on Thursday, September 17, 2015

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