After much wait, Anthrax is giving us a taste of what their new album will sound like. The band have just posted the lyric video for "Evil Twin," the first single from their next album, slated for release in the first quarter of 2016. You can purchase the single on and iTunes.
The lyrics are about extremism, according to Scott Ian:
"I was very affected by the Charlie Hebdo massacre as I have been with all of the shootings that have taken place at schools and movie theatres," said Anthrax's lyricist Scott Ian. "I can't figure out what would cause someone to think that was the right thing to do. 'I'll show the world, I'll make my God happy.' It's just such bullshit. I'm not bagging on religion, that's not my intent, but people who go to that extreme, who feel they have become judge, jury and executioner over their fellow man because you or I don't believe the same thing they do, I think that's the 'Evil Twin' of humanity. Writing words about that is my only catharsis."
Benante said the riffs and drums were inspired by touring with fellow thrash luminaries:
"Yeah, that opening riff is really evil," laughed the band's Charlie Benante. "We had done a lot of touring with Death Angel and Exodus, so I was in a really thrashy state of mind when I starting writing the riffs for that song. I think along with Scott's lyrics and Frank's melodies, we came up with a really great, old school thrash metal feel."