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DARK FUNERAL To Drop A New Record In The First Half Of 2016!

Prepare for another funeral mass next year.

Prepare for another funeral mass next year.

Dark Funeral lost vocalist Nachtgarm in 2012 and bassist Zornheym in 2014, who have been replaced by Heljarmadr and bassist Natt. We got to hear a killer new track from the group's revamped lineup in December 2014 called "Nail Them To The Cross" and unsurprisingly the group still totally slays.

Now we're finally be told that we'll be getting a proper full length from the band! This will be Dark Funeral's first album since Angelus Exuro pro Eternus in 2009, meaning it has been entirely too damn long. Founding guitarist Lord Ahriman had this to say about an upcoming album!

"During the past months, we have been forging the foundation of what will become the new Dark Funeral album. Music and lyrics are falling in place, piece by piece. The actual plan for the release is also slowly taking shape and everything has finally started to move. We aim to hit the studio in early 2016 and to have the actual album in your hands during the first half of the year!"

Just one more thing to look forward to in 2016, right? As usual, I'd rather wait a little longer for a band to put out a great record than get one every two years and have 'em suck.

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