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Weekly Injection


Still cool shit dropping this year. Huzzah! This edition includes instrumental madness, architectural metal, beeps and boops, and more! To the metals…

Pomegranate Tiger – Boundless a4163740926_10

Genre: Instrumental porgressive
Origin: Windsor, Canada
Label: Self

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One of my absolute favorite instrumental acts. This guy is an incredible song writer with incredible musicianship making this more than just a guitar wanking project for other musicians. In my top five for the year.



Scientist – 10100II00101 Scientist-10100II00101-e1448040036796

Genre: Experimental metal
Origin: Chicago, Illinois
Label: Hell Comes Home

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This is a really cool release from a band that sounds like they're straight out of the Georgia sludge scene, yet aren't. Sounds A LOT like early Mastodon. On their second album of self-described "architectural metal," this band is building something pretty rad. Features members of Yakuza, Taken By the Sun, and Making Ghosts.


Shaving The Werewolf – The Pissing Link Shaving-the-Werewolf-The-Pissing-Link

Genre: Hardcore/rock
Origin: Oslo, Norway
Label: Negative Vibe

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In a world where Horse The Band doesn't release music nearly enough, bands like Shaving The Werewolf fill that void. Not nearly as upbeat nor chaotic as the Horse boys, but still infused with similar electronics and some hardcore bits.


Spectral Lore – Gnosis EP6102zIiYkiL

Genre: Ambient black metal
Origin: Athens, Greese
Label: I, Voidhanger

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This EP is five lengthy, beautiful and haunting tracks of black metal bliss. With five tracks clocking in at around 50 minutes, I'd hesitate to call this an EP myself, but Ayloss did, and it's his deal, so fuck me. Great riffs, great juxtapositions of instrumentation, great song writing. All in all, pretty great.



Also dropping today…

Blackwulf – Oblivion Cycle (Ripple) – Stoner
Diavolos – You Lived, Now Die (Hells Headbangers) – Death metal
Enterprise Earth – Patient 0 (Stay Sick) – Deathcore
Forn – Weltschmerz EP (Gilead) – Sludge
Instigator – Bad Future EP (Gates Of Hell) – Speed metal
Invocation Spells – Descendent The Black Throne (Hells Headbangers) – Blackened thrash
Kind – Rocket Science (Ripple) – Psychedelic
Kublai Khan – New Strength (Artery) – Metalcore
Monolithe – Epsilon Aurigae (Debemur Morti) – Funeral doom
Nachtlieder – The Female Of The Species (I, Voidhanger) – Black metal
Nar Mattaru – Ancient Atomic Warfare (I, Voidhanger) – Death metal
Prime Meridian – Prime Meridian (Famined) – Progressive/groove
Saligia – Fonix (Van) – Black metal
Sonic Medusa – The Sunset SoundHouse Tapes (Ripple) – Heavy metal
Spoken – Breathe Again (Artery) – Rock
Stone Healer – He Who Rides Immolated Horses EP (Tridroid) – Progressive Black metal
Undawn – Justice Is… – Melodic death metal

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