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GRUESOME Summons The "Forces Of Death" On A Retro Death Metal New Track

Chuck Schuldiner would be proud.

Chuck Schuldiner would be proud.

Gruesome's new song "Forces of Death" absolutely reeks of the 1980s, and in no way is that a bad thing. The group will be putting out its newEP titled Dimensions of Horror on May 20, and if it's even half as good as the band's debut Savage Land record, then we're in for some killer death metal… again.

I'll let Exhumed's Matt Harvey explain why this track rules and how you should be listening.

"So as you listen, close your eyes, imagine that you just got home from high school in 1987, ditched your Mongoose bike and ejected your brand new None Shall Defy cassette out of your Walkman to check your mailbox. Inside, there’s a sixty-minute TDK tape in the mail from an overseas pen pal with the Insanity 1985 rehearsal on one side and a dub of this new ‘mini-LP’ on the other.

You steal some of your dad’s beer, light up a joint before your parents get home and pop this bad boy in the stereo while you watch a worn out, second generation VHS dub of The Beyond on mute on a 125-pound television. Now you’re ready to enter the dimensions of horror and enlist in the forces of death.”

So conjure up that image and then hit play.

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