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Don't Worry! KING DIAMOND Is Having Plenty of Sex, Just Ask Him

Don't smoke, kids. It makes you have a less awesome sex life.

Don't smoke, kids. It makes you have a less awesome sex life.

King Diamond had heart surgery in late 2012 and the whole ordeal sounds absolutely terrifying. Fortunately since then, Diamond has been trying to be a whole lot healthier and has even said that he'll be working on a new album now that he's doing much better.

Which of course begs the ultimate question that's absolutely related to his health – is King Diamond also King Bonin'? The answer is yes, according to Diamond's interview in Metal Hammer.

"I have become a lot healthier. I gave up smoking after my heart scare, my wife keeps me on a strict diet that I follow completely, and doctors are amazed at how healthy I am these days. Honestly, I think I am now healthier than I have ever been."

"I've also found that, since I made a real effort to have a healthy lifestyle, my voice has improved so much. I can now hit notes that were a struggle for me when I was younger. As for my sex life, that's just great now. And I am not saying that because my wife is sitting next to me!"

So Diamond has a great voice for a new album, is totally healthy, and bones like a champion. Whatever it takes, right?

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