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SATYRICON Won't Release A New Album Until 2017, Covers Album Still Pending

It'll have been four years by then since the band last released an album.

It'll have been four years by then since the band last released an album.

Satyricon's career is one that fans seem to believe was better earlier on than it is currently. Obviously that statement is based solely on reviews and what I've been reading online, but maybe the tides will turn once more in the band's favor come 2017? Originally we thought Satyricon was going to release an album this year, what with the band's drummer Frost saying it was writing an album of originals alongside working on a covers album mid-2015, but clearly that hasn't come to fruition just yet.

So here we are in the second half of 2016, and Frost has announced that Satyricon will hit the studio come January 2017, in an interview with Metal Wani (below).

"We have now decided to enter the studio in January to record our own studio album. The original plan was to record a cover album first. But as we started up that process, we got very inspired to write our own material first, and that is more important for a band like us. So when that ball had started to roll, it was the only right thing to do, to continue letting the ball roll and finish work with the album, and then return to the cover album project. Anything else would have been the wrong idea for this band. And it's hard to tell exactly when we're gonna release the cover album. But both the recording and release of a new studio album will happen next year."

Alongside what Frost said, maybe the band reissuing 1996's Nemesis Divina has lit a new fire under the band as well?


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